As You Might Expect, Neo Nazis Are Starting To Become A Problem In The Furry Culture

FURRIES are no stranger to controversy, with members often labelled as perverse fetishists for dressing up in animal costumes, which dictate their role-playing “fursona”
Members of the obscure subculture often defend themselves by saying their celebration of anthropomorphic animal characters with human personalities and characteristics is nothing more than playful escapism.
While defending their community from outsider criticism is nothing new, there is now a fresh threat to the culture coming from within its own ranks.
It appears subculture, which has long been associated with gay and left-wing beliefs, is now being infiltrated by right-wing extremists known as “alt-furries”.
The alt-furry movement started as a joke on Twitter, with right-leaning members sharing pro-Trump, furry-themed memes using the #AltFurries hashtag.
What started as the promotion of satirical policies such as a ban on “species mixing”, soon became much more serious as the white supremacist agenda started to creep into real-world furry events.

Well stink. I’ve always been a fan of furries. I dont understand the desire to make sex/dry humping an even hotter affair but I get the allure of dressing up like a bunny rabbit. Hell, the song Peter Cottontail puts asses in the seats every year around Easter. Why not make that a year-round event? “Here comes Peter Cottontail. Hoppin down the bunny trail (talkin vagina). Hippity Hoppity Easter is on its way.”

I remember the first time I heard about furries. Who doesn’t? I was watching an episode of the Emmy award-winning show CSI. I remember seeing the furry whose friends called her/him Sexy. And, to be honest, it was a sexy furry.

Ever since then, I’ve been on team furry. I try to learn as much as I can about the culture. Clips like this help.

85 percent of all furries are white? Incredible. Would have thought the number would have been higher. Much more diverse than I was expecting. Credit to the furry community for being a melting pot. America at it’s best… minus the Nazi part.

Buddy, I dont care if you dress up in a costume and grind your privates against another adult in a kitten or puppy costume. Just keep it sexual and relationship focused. Don’t bring the politics/evil of Nazi bullshit into the furry bedroom. Adolf Foxler? He seems bad. If you’re a furry and reading this, stay away from Adolf Foxler. He’s an evil furry. No question about it.

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